This sucks there is a 1/6 chance I will get eliminated. A 4/6 chance an alliance member will get eliminated. And only a 1/6 chance the person I want out will get eliminated.
In case you havent realized that also means a 4/6 or 2/3 chance the original alliance of 9 will become an alliance of 7.
So Im hoping Loonie gets eliminated. If not him I think I would have a better shot at getting farther with the newbies lacey and Mikiel. But Im also working with and really like JB and DanielB so that only leaves Loonie to get eliminated. But there is a 5/6 shot he is staying. So unless he screwed up and turned in the ABC's and Friday by Rebecca Black, which would be awesome, he should stay. Statistically speaking.
(Sorry about all the statistics but I am a mathematics major in this game. And I just got back from the horse races where I was betting on horses by using odds like I did here. lol)